Students are required to study overseas for at least one academic term via an exchange programme administered by our Programme, the Office of Academic Links and the Colleges. Here are the universities arranged by our Programme in 2020-21:
- Malmo University
- National University of Singapore
- Simon Fraser University
- University of Auckland
- University of Birmingham
Student’s Sharing
CHIU Kwan Yu, Mike
Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg
Being able to go on exchange in such uncertain times, I could not have been more fortunate. Not only have I brushed up my German and Turkish language skills, attended classes on German colonial history and security research, but I have also undergone immense personal growth. In search of a new identity, I started a new life from scratch alone on foreign soil during a pandemic – no plain sailing at all. Yet I managed to blend in, make deep local and international friendships, as well as socially engage with the local community. I found new directions and unlocked many opportunities in my life, upon which I would never have imagined a year ago before I stepped into the unknown. Looking back, I would say this could be one of the most critically profound pages of my life, in which my true self has been retraced, re-discovered and retrieved. Above all, I am really grateful for this invaluable opportunity offered by the GLSD Programme.

CHARLET Simone Erika
Tecnológico de Monterrey
I spent five months at the Tecnológico de Monterrey in the northern part of Mexico. “TEC”, as the university is called, is known all across Latin America as one of the most prestigious higher education institutes. During my exchange, I was able to take courses on Latin American regional politics and economics, Mexican history and politics, and of course, Spanish. The university offered free PE courses, which is why I had the opportunity to learn Mexican folk dance and other sports. During “Semana i”, a university-wide volunteering program, I taught underprivileged primary students about China and Hong Kong. At the end of the term, I had time to visit the friends I made in their hometowns all across Mexico.
HUI Nok Sze, Kitty
University of Tampere
My exchange journey in the University of Tampere (UTA) in Finland was undoubtedly wonderful and fruitful! As majoring in Global Studies and taking Culture and Media as my concentration areas, I took courses like Gender in Society and Media and Cultural Industries at UTA. I was truly amazed by the learning attitude and atmosphere in Finland. Students there actively participate in class. Discussions and debates are inspiring. It is funny that sometimes you would meet adults who are already parents as course-mate as there is no dead end in Finnish education system. Finnish people can study university whenever they want! It was so great to meet new friends from all over the world. I enjoyed exchanging different cultures like languages, gastronomy, social norms and practices very much! Apart from the studies, trying the Finnish Sauna would be the most unforgettable experience in my life! (Can you imagine how ‘crazy’ it is when you swim into an ice lake at 0°C right after you do the sauna at about 80-90°C ? Haha!) This is one of the most traditional and popular activity for the Finnish people and it is really so! Much! Fun!

WONG Kar Ho, Toby
The University of Sydney
My exchange study in The University of Sydney was one of the best moments in my University life. As a part of the major required study, I studied Global Studies related courses regarding politics, environmental studies and world history there, as well as my Music minor study in the Conservatorium of Sydney. Not only did I enjoy the serious but intellectual and active learning environment there, but also the cultural and knowledge exchange during class discussions as well as through communicating with people from various of backgrounds.
Apart from formal studying, I participated in the University’s madrigal singing group where I met lots of lovely young singers. Although we are from different cultures, I enjoyed the time sharing and exchanging ideas with them through music – the universal language. As Australia is famous for its natural beauty, I treasured my time travelling around cities of Australia, including Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast. My most unforgettable experience was the Wild Adventure Backpacking programme in Tasmania where I met people from different parts of the globe and ran a whole lap of Tasmania island in 5 days.
PANG Hong Ling, Sincere
University of Birmingham
I am glad to be offered a place at the University of Birmingham (UoB) for semester exchange by my department. To my surprise (and pleasure as well), I was allocated to the School of Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences (LANS), one of the most competitive programs at the UoB. The program is so similar, yet so different from the GLSD program at CUHK. Education in both programs provide me with learning opportunities across disciplines. Ample chances to meet and work with students from different academic backgrounds foster students’ agility and broaden their horizons. Here at CUHK, we are given the privilege to enrol in a wide range of social science courses. GLSD students approach various disciplines one at a time. But at the UoB, LANS students have their own majors. Students of the same year come together at a compulsory course and the monthly cultural activities. It was a new and exciting experience for me to meet the cream of all arts, social sciences and natural sciences majors in that weekly compulsory course. Discussions were meaningful and inspiring. Apart from my studies, I joined the University’s Taekwondo Club. I have to say, like music, sports know no language. I made a lot of friends and had a wonderful time there.